Performance Enhancement
​Adults will figure out many ways to compensate for their visual problems so that they can continue with any strenuous visual work they need to do. Often, adults come home from work extremely tired when all they did was sit at a desk and do paperwork.
Vision Therapy can help to reduce the strain of near work as well as work with any other kinds of visual problems. The proper lenses along with vision therapy make a tremendous difference in an adult's ability to function at work or sports, just as with children of school age.
What are Visual Skills?
These evaluations assess the visual skills that are related to your concern or symptoms as needed, including those skills involved in:
eye alignment
eye muscle function
near focus
peripheral focus
focus change
visual midline
vestibular-ocular reflex
primitive reflexes

Performance Enhancement Evaluation
This is for:
People who have symptoms related to faulty visual skill
with no history of concussion/brain injury, or learning problems at school.
*not intended for people with academic concerns
computer viewing discomfort
eye strain and fatigue
double vision
vertigo and balance problems
This evaluation consists of one appointment.
Part 1: Doctor Visual Skill Exam & Treatment Plan Assessment
the doctor will investigate over a dozen functional visual skills as it relates to your unique situation, and prescribe a treatment plan for your success
The appointment is 1.5 hours.