Performance Enhancement for Kids
The majority of children who are learning disabled have a deficiency in visual skill that is impeding their ability, affecting their life. And deficiencies in visual efficiency significantly impede early reading. If a child is having trouble reading or avoids reading regardless of whether or not they are performing at grade level, there is a possibility they are struggling with dysfunction in their visual skill. Our visual examination for learning related vision problems is designed to assess the functional aspects of the visual process as it relates to academics such as learning, reading, math, writing, and classroom performance.

Common Visual Skill Problems
That Impede Reading & Academics

Convergence Insufficiency
This happens when the brain turns the eyes outward instead of inward when focusing close up, and can cause near vision to sometimes appear double or be strained, making it difficult to read.

Accommodative Insufficiency & Infacility
This happens when the brain doesn’t coordinate the eye’s focusing muscle to readjust its focusing lens between looking far and close. This can cause near or far vision to blur in and out, making it difficult to read or focus on the board at the front of the class.

Vergence Dysfunction
This happens when the brain doesn’t move the eye muscles freely inward and outward to reposition the eyes to look at different distances. Vision can appear blurred and double at various times, making it difficult to read and to look from the board at the front of the class to the notes on their desk.

Visual Processing Dysfunction
This happens when the brain is not coordinating the visual process and is not seeing a coordinated image. Letters can appear jumbled and words can appear reversed, making it difficult to learn how to spell and to understand what is read.

Learn Why 20/20 Isn't Everything

Performance Enhancement Evaluation For Kids

This is for kids with academic/school concerns:
an IEP (Individualized Education Plan)
learning disabilities
reading problems
attention and focusing problems
autism spectrum disorder
There are 3 parts to this Evaluation.
Part 2: Doctor Assessment including Visual Skills Evaluation
this is an appointment with the doctor to examine over a dozen areas of visual skill to determine where there are breakdowns in the mechanics of visual function and whether it’s because of a problem with the eye muscles or neurological function.
This evaluation is 1 hour.
Part 1: Visual Perception Testing
this appointment is for the child one on one with a therapist using standardized testing to determine how they understand and make sense of their vision.
some areas of interest include: visual memory, visual space perception, fixation, tracking, reversals, visual-motor integration, primitive reflexes, and NeuroDevelopmental Movement™ testing.
This evaluation is 1.5-2 hours across two assessment days.
Part 3: Report Consultation
this appointment is for the parents and therapist to review the results of both the doctor’s assessment and the visual perception testing.
a full written report is provided including considerations and/or accommodations for school
a treatment plan is prescribed for the child’s specific needs which can include glasses and/or a course of neurovision training exercises
This appointment is 1 hour.